The CodeCougars- Middle School Academy is for rising Grade 6 - 8 students in the fall semester &
The CodeCougars -High School Academy is for rising 9-12 students in the fall semester.
*Boys are welcome, too!

We teach following coding subjects at Girls Coding Academy
Coding with Scratch
Visual Coding
Scratch is a block-based visual coding program. Ideal for beginners in coding...
Web Development with HTML/CSS...
Design Web Apps!
Learn how to create HTML webpages and edit them using CSS. Learn to create web apps...
Introduction to Python..
Python Programming
Learn fundamentals of Python programming...
Game Development
Roblox Game Development
Learn to code and make games in Roblox Studio...
Small Group Instruction
Each student will be assigned to a small group of 5 -7 students mentored by an undergraduate/graduate student! Individual attention, 1-on-1 time with instructors and lab time!
Curriculum&StrategiesAcademy Dates
June 10- 14, 2024
Middle School Schedule
8:30 am -12:30 pm
High School Schedule
1:30 pm- 5:00 pm
Academy FAQAcademy Tuition
$375 per student. Siblings, Teacher, and UH Employee Discounts are available!
Scholarships are available for students with financial need!